Class ACellRenderer<T>Abstract



ARowRenderer which manages multiple columns per row

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (view full)



body: HTMLElement
lastScrollInfo: null | IScrollInfo = null
options: Readonly<IRowRendererOptions> = ...
root: HTMLElement
visible: {
    first: number;
    forcedFirst: number;
    forcedLast: number;
    last: number;
} = ...

currently visible slice

Type declaration

  • first: number
  • forcedFirst: number
  • forcedLast: number
  • last: number
visibleFirstRowPos: number = 0

position of the first visible row in pixel


  • get bodyScroller(): HTMLElement
  • get the scrolling container i.e. parent of the body element

    Returns HTMLElement

  • get bodySizer(): HTMLElement
  • Returns HTMLElement

  • get headerScroller(): HTMLElement
  • get the header scrolling element, i.e its parent

    Returns HTMLElement


  • add another column mixin


    • mixinClass: IMixinClass

      mixing class to instantiate

    • Optional options: unknown

      optional options

    Returns void

  • register another mixin to this renderer


    • MixinClass: IMixinClass

      the mixin class to instantiate

    • Optional options: unknown

      optional constructor options

    Returns void

  • create a new cell node fo the given row index and column


    • document: Document

      document the create nodes of

    • index: number

      the current row index

    • column: T

      the current column

    Returns HTMLElement | IAsyncUpdate<HTMLElement>

    the node representing the cell

  • create a new header node for the given column


    • document: Document

      document to create nodes of

    • column: T

      the column to create the header for

    Returns HTMLElement | IAsyncUpdate<HTMLElement>

    the node representing the header

  • creates a new row


    • node: HTMLElement

      the node of the row

    • rowIndex: number

      the row index

    Returns void

    either an abortable or nothing

  • utility to execute a function for each visible row


    • callback: ((row, rowIndex) => void)

      callback to execute

        • (row, rowIndex): void
        • Parameters

          • row: HTMLElement
          • rowIndex: number

          Returns void

    • inPlace: boolean = false

      whether the DOM changes should be performed in place instead of in a fragment

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • item: HTMLElement
    • column: number = -1

    Returns void

  • updates the given cell node with the given row index and column


    • node: HTMLElement

      node to update

    • index: number

      row index to use

    • column: T

      column to use

    Returns void | HTMLElement | IAsyncUpdate<HTMLElement>

    an optional new replacement node for the header

  • updates the given header node with the given column


    • node: HTMLElement

      node to update

    • column: T

      the column to represents

    Returns void | HTMLElement | IAsyncUpdate<HTMLElement>

    an optional new replacement node for the header

  • updates a row


    • node: HTMLElement

      the node of the row

    • rowIndex: number

      the row index

    Returns void

    either an abortable or nothing