Lineupengine - v2.5.3


License: MIT NPM version Github Actions

a fast engine for rendering large tables consisting of rows, rows+columns, multiple rows+columns instances.

  • latest Chrome (best performance)
  • Firefox ESR
npm install lineupengine
<script src=""></script>
npm install lineupengine@next
<script src=""></script>


see Main API documentation and Develop API documentation

The setup requires Node.js v16 or higher.

git clone
cd lineupengine

npm i -g yarn
yarn install
yarn sdks vscode
yarn clean
yarn compile
yarn test
yarn lint
yarn fix
yarn build
yarn docs
yarn release
yarn release:pre
firefox max DOM height: 17.800.000px < 17899999px
edge max DOM height: 10000000px < 1099999px

chrome: 33.554.431px translate + height
firefox: 17.895.566px marginTop + height
edge: 3.033.917px height